Efikasno liderstvo u prodaji
How important could be exert leadership, especially remotely?
Teams need to be guided and inspired by good leaders to achieve goals.
How important could be exert leadership, especially remotely?
Teams need to be guided and inspired by good leaders to achieve goals.
Stating and having clear in mind the right goals is the first step in achieving an effective training program. ADDIE Method can help you here in structuring your educational program.
Novi ‘Izveštaj o hibridnoj prodaji’ Kompanije Mercuri International detaljno sagledava kako se poslovno okruženje promenio u prethodnom burnom periodu, intervjuišući lidere iz industrije u vezi sa njihovim nedavnim iskustvima. Istražuje prednosti i mane fizičke i online prodaje i pita: „Šta sad?“
Kakve nove veštine su nam potrebne da bismo upravljali radom naših prodavaca na daljinu? Kako sada da ih motivišemo, treniramo?
Dobrodošli u svet Key Account menadžmenta
“KAM, SAM, GAM” – svet account menadžmenta voli akronime, ali kada se jednom u tom svetu sretnete sa prefiksima kao
Epizoda 3. Hrabri novi svet?
In the last of our series of three conversations with sales expert Robert Box, we speculate as to the future of AI and sales.
Epizoda 2. Bez muke nema nauke?
In the second of our three conversations with sales expert Robert Box, we look at the role of AI in sales – it’s a brave new world, but what are the potential downsides?
Uvod 2020. Pa, bila je ‘zanimljiva’. Kada smo već kod toga, ovo nije blog post o radu na daljinu, ‘novoj normalnosti’ ili
In these uncertain times, a lot has been written concerning ‘the new normal’, specifically regarding the topic of working from